Leadership is not just what we do,
it's a way of being in the world.

At Transformational Leadership Academy, we believe that true leadership expresses who we are: our values, ideals, and vision. When we grow as leaders, we grow as a person, learning to be more self-aware, and gaining perspective, empathy, and interpersonal skills that enable us to be our best selves and inspire others to follow us in our quests.

Leadership is about skills like visioning, strategic planning, team building, delegation and supervision, communication, conflict resolution, and more. But those skills can only be built on a foundation of caring, trust, vision, and inspiration.

The best leaders do not lead by telling people what to do. They do not lead through carrots and sticks (transactional leadership). They lead by setting an example in their own lives and actions. Leadership through self-differentiation.

We invite you to join us and make TLA part of your leadership journey. Experience transformational leadership and unlock your potential for success.

Transform Yourself...
Transform Your World

  • Executive Leadership, Life and Reentry Coaching for Individuals and Groups/Teams

  • Resurgence Leadership Program
    Unique Leadership Program for currently incarcerated, formerly incarcerated in re-entry, refugees, those in career transition, individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds or overcoming severe challenges and making a new beginning.
    Leads to a Certificate in Fundamentals of Leadership (CFL)

  • Leadership Education, Training, Consulting, and Coaching for Companies, Organizations, and Individuals

  • Specialized Leadership Development, Coaching and Team Coaching for Culinary Industry

Self-leadership, Transformational Leadership, Full Range Leadership, Servant Leadership, Visioning, Mission, Values and Goals, Strategic Planning, Team Dynamics, Organizational Development, Project Planning, Emotional IQ, Leading from Behind, Communication, Conflict Resolution and more.

The ‘Yes, Chef!’ Mindset:
What Following Orders Teaches
About Culinary Leadership

Lead with TLA!

Envision - Inspire - Empower

We offer a range of services to develop your leadership skills and enhance your organization's success.

Resurgence Leadership Program
Leadership Training for Those Currently and Recently Incarcerated and From Disadvantaged Backgrounds

Dynamic workshops and seminars designed to inspire and transform your leadership style and take your team to the next level.

Personalized coaching to help you reach your full leadership potential, and to help you navigate whatever leadership challenges you face. Lead with confidence with TLA by your side.


Engaging, interactive multi-modal courses that explore different styles and theories of leadership, leadership skills, interpersonal skills and personal growth.


Transformational Leadership Academy offers a special Leadership Skills course as well as Leadership Coaching for those currently and recently incarcerated as well as for those who come from disadvantaged backgrounds in which for whatever reason they have not been exposed to engaging in personal growth and learning interpersonal skills and leadership development.

Most re-entry programs focus on technical or trade skills. But to truly succeed in rebuilding one's life, an individual needs much more. This unique course is designed to give individuals the personal insights, Emotional IQ, interpersonal and leadership skills necessary not just to survive but to thrive.

Check out our Resurgence Leadership website for more information.

Leadership Training for Restaurant Staff Teams

Restaurant staff teams face unique challenges including high pressure, constant changes to meet demands, frequent turnover, and workers who often lack the soft skills necessary to work smoothly and efficiently as a team and respond positively to customer needs. Our experience in the restaurant setting can help your team truly take off and succeed. We focus on team dynamics, communication and conflict management, customer service, mentor/mentee relationships and more. Learn how to motivate and guide your team to be their best.


This course explores fundamental concepts in leadership development, personal growth, and interpersonal relations and teaches how to apply them in our personal lives, workplace, and as a leader. For a full list of topics covered, click here. This class consists of 25 hours of class time. To receive certification, students must attend all sessions and complete mid-term and final exams. This program is offered through TLA's online courses, individual instruction, and as in-person courses at select locations. It is also available to be offered as a course at your organization or institution.

Certificate in Fundamentals of Leadership (CFL) Program

About Me

I have over 30 years of experience leading large organizations, serving as a community leader, and teaching and coaching leadership. I served as senior rabbi of a 1000-family congregation for 22 years and co-rabbi of a 2400-family congregation in the years prior. Through these positions and others, I was privileged to devote my life to leadership and gained a very broad and deep set of leadership skills. During those years, I also studied leadership training extensively and designed and taught Leadership Development courses to others.

I have extensive experience teaching, consulting, mentoring, and coaching leadership in non-profit settings. In addition to working with individual clients, I teach, consult, and coach leadership to the staff at four local restaurants. I also teach and coach leadership to adult students who are justice-impacted and are in a culinary skills program.

My leadership style has always revolved around self-leadership, servant leadership, and transformational leadership. I believe in leading through example and setting out a vision, values, and principles that inspire.

I also believe we are all leaders in many aspects of our lives. Leadership is not just about business, organizations, or community. A successful leader is also successful in their relationships, in their personal vision, in their goals, and daily life.

I have long years of experience helping teams, organizations, and individuals learn how to lead successfully, how to create a vision and inspire others, to build a team and nurture its members in their own growth, and to make that vision a reality.

Steve Weiss, ACC
Founder, CEO and Leadership Specialist, Transformational Leadership Academy

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